Ensure the health and safety of learners and staff in schools and the learning communities.



Build resilient schools and communities in order to secure a future with safer schools in Cameroon by the year 2035 and in Africa by the year 2063 (Agenda 2063).

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world, but safety is the most essential shield which you can use to protect the world"
-Nelson Mandela


School Safety Outreach (SSO) is a Cameroonian non-profit, non-denominational, apolitical organization established in 2020 and legally registered in 2022 with registration number 215/G.37/C.84/VOL1/A3/SAAJP in conformity with law number 90/053 of 19th December 1990 of the Republic of Cameroon.

Our project and programs target learners and staff in schools and communities. We operate and work in Cameroon. The chief geographical area of intervention is the South West and North West but operations can be extended to other regions when the need arises.

Our approach targets primarily learners and staff as beneficiaries and people with challenges as secondary beneficiaries. We do understand that using a school-community-based approach that addresses the needs of schools and communities will greatly impact positively on the lives of our primary beneficiaries in a sustainable way.

We have as goals the following:

School/Community Disaster Risk Management

Disaster preparedness

Integrate Disaster Risk Reduction Education (DRRE) and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) into the School Curriculum; train school administrators and local community authorities on how to develop a Disaster Risk Management Plan; organize awareness-raising campaigns in order to sensitize and educate learners, and staffs and community members on coping strategies against disasters; implement early warning systems, etc. 

Disaster Response

Provide humanitarian response to people affected by societal disasters such as conflicts, wars, civil unrest, fire incidents, and epidemic infectious diseases; provide humanitarian aid to victims of socio-natural disasters such as floods, landslides, droughts, earthquakes, volcanic eruption; provide humanitarian response to people affected by disasters of natural origin such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, etc.

Disaster Recovery

Reconstruction: Construct or rehabilitate schools, local community or state infrastructures to improve local sustainable development; Restore safe lines, etc. 

Recovery: Provide psychosocial support and mental health education to people affected by disasters to enable them to bounce back strong.

Disaster Adaptation/Mitigation 

Integrate Disaster Risk Management into the National Development Policy; Promote better water, sanitation, and hygiene practices with the goal to reduce the spread of diseases etc.



Volunteer: Resourcefully volunteer your time, efforts, and love with us as we continuously run our School Health and Safety Outreach programs and projects in schools and communities. Use this opportunity to enhance your skills and knowledge with us as you join us in implementing our programs and projects.

Donate: Support School Safety Outreach’s mission to promote health, safety, and disaster risk management in schools, villages, and communities. Your donation will help us cultivate future leaders and enhance safety practices locally, nationally, and internationally. Together, we can make a significant impact on the well-being of our communities!

Partner with us: Join us in creating safer schools and communities by partnering with School Safety Outreach. Together, we can implement vital health, safety, and disaster risk management programs, fostering the next generation of leaders. Whether you’re a school, village, or community group, your partnership can make a significant impact.

Sponsor a Program: We have a variety of programs and projects aimed at enhancing school and community safety. Please identify those that align with your vision and sponsor them to help us expand our mission of promoting health, safety, and disaster risk management in more communities. Join us in creating a lasting impact with your favorite School Safety Outreach initiatives.

Become a Member: Become a member of School Safety Outreach and help us promote health, safety, and disaster risk management in schools and communities. As a member, you’ll play a crucial role in implementing our programs and initiatives, nurturing future leaders from grassroots levels. Your involvement can make a significant impact locally, nationally, and internationally. Join us today and be part of a dedicated community committed to creating safer environments for everyone.


We work in synergy with sectorial ministries in Cameroon such as MINEDUB; MINESEC; MINESUP; MINPAT; and MINSANTE whose mandate aligns with our work and thematic areas of intervention.
Councils: We work in partnership with Municipal Councils to ensure health and safety in schools and the communities.
Local CSOs: We collaborate with like-minded CSOs in line with our thematic areas.
Community: We work in association with like-minded individuals, institutions, and communities in line with our thematic areas of intervention.
School Safety Outreach is a member of the Global Climate and Health Alliance and Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety.
Others:  REACH BACK, SURUDEV, Alheri Medical Foundation.

Courtesy of School Safety Outreach, Cameroon

The world is currently at the blink of increasing heat waves due to the emission of greenhouse gases. School Safe Outreach supports calls by the Meteorological Agency for smart adaptation strategies and participation in climate-resilient practices to stay healthier and fit for daily school tasks.
Common heat waves effects could particularly cause dehydration in teachers/children of school going age globally since they stay longer under teaching-learning rules. It could also affect proper brain response to teaching and learning. In more acute moments, increase heat waves could trigger unconsciousness or death, chickenpox, skin rash and psychological
To survive this current and much ravaging adverse climatic conditions, SSO recommends a rigorous implementation of this
Climate-Health Emergency Preparedness Plan by teachers and students across Cameroon and beyond.


Menstrual Hygiene Management Campaign in Schools

Support our upcoming Menstrual Hygiene Management Campaign project for young girls and women in schools.

Disinfection of Schools

Join us in our upcoming project which will involve the disinfection of classrooms and toilets to reduce the spread of diseases in some selected lay private and confessional schools.

Growing Together: A Greener Future with School Safety Outreach

Dear Supporters and Friends,

We are excited to share an update on our recent Tree Planting Project, which aims to promote environmental stewardship and enhance the safety and well-being of our school communities.Read more…

Empowering Education, Transforming Lives

Building Resilient Schools for a Brighter Future

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